Our Purpose: To provide an intuitive online “Web” resource for brain injury patients and their families that will assist in getting them back on their feet. (This will look different for everybody, as no two brain injuries are identical). To be a “Virtual Coach”, Cheerleader, Sherpa… Your Biggest Fan!! 


Inspirational, Motivational & Informational

  1. Video Interviews with the Experts. Doctors, Patient Superstars, Nurses, Physical & Occupational Terrorists.. I mean Therapists, Rehab Administrators.
  2. Important Links to Resources that will help in the Recovery Process
  3. “What to Expect” Videos from people that have been through the process and come out the other side.
  4. Financial Advice from the Experts. Social Workers, Bankers, Legal Experts. Logic is not present in this game. We’ve been through this and am still negotiating this maze. We’ll be gentle, but 100% honest about this aspect of recovery. 
  5. Humor.. Laughter is so important in the recovery process. Boy, do I have stories?!!

Fun Facts:

  1. The Founder/Creative Director of GodSaidWALK, Paul Price, is a Survivor of a Hemorrhagic Stroke(Bleed). He suffered from total paralysis on the left hemisphere of his body. He has experienced every aspect of recovery possible for this type of stroke, from learning to walk again, using his left hand/arm again to returning to work, getting cleared to drive, living independently and creating GodSaidWALK for YOU!!
  2. GodSaidWALK is 100% nonprofit! Every penny raised will go directly back into creating and running this resource.
  3. You deserve to have a professional, high quality resource. While this may be a “Grass Roots” Project, It will never look “Grass Roots” in its functionality and quality!


                        Be Blessed & Be a Blessing!!