Wanna know how I did it?

Recently I've been getting a lot of inquiries as to how I've been able to recover as much as I have. I attend regular meetings with local support groups and it usually appears as though I've come a lot further than the rest of the group. So, I really don't know what to say when I get asked this. At first, I felt a little bit guilty. I would ask myself the usual questions, like, "why did I have things go so much better for me?" and "what did I do to deserve this?" You see, I really haven't done anything to deserve any more blessings than anyone else. But for some reason, I seem to have received an extra portion. This got me thinking. Made me reflect on everything that has happened to me in the past few years. So, this post will focus on what where the most important elements of my stroke recovery. Faith, family, friends, fun,  and humor 


So, of all these elements in my recovery, the single most important to me is and will always be my faith in Jesus Christ. He is my Saviour, My Healer, My Redeemer, My Provider, My Everything. Ya see, I'm not gonna preach to you, but I'm not going to be anything other than authentic with you. I know and believe without a shadow of a doubt that I would not be where I am today without prayer, Jesus and world class medical care. And I had the best care money could buy. The best doctors, nurses, physical therapist.. EVERYTHING!!! And they have no explanation about my abilities other than a miracle. Well, there is only one source of miracles and that's Christ. Without HIM, I'm nothing. Jus Sayin...

Family & Friends

So let's talk about friends and family. You see, from beginning I have had, Without a doubt the best friends and family a man could ever ask for! They have been by my side for every heartbreak and triumph since I started on this journey and their support has never wavered. They have given me a place to live when I lost everything and they have been my biggest cheerleaders in getting back to my normal independent life. Without their support, I would still be in the hospital and I love them all more than words can say.

Humour & Fun

Let's face it, I'm a goof, I'm a clown, I love to laugh, I just got to have fun. And without my sense of humor, without my insistence on having a somewhat normal social life, I definitely would not have gotten where I am today without a cheesy grin on my face. Life's too short to take everything so seriously and I'm not about to start now. Please understand me, I'm not making light of the seriousness of what I've been through. But if you can't laugh at yourself, what's the point of it all? Jus Sayin...