The goal is just the beginning!!

First, let me apologize for being absent with the blog posts for a while. Please don't think that I've been idle. Truth is, I've been busier than ever trying to build what I've started with GodSaidWALK. Lots of folks are asking for content and talking to me about speaking engagements. But, more about that later. Sooo.. what's been happening? Lots of stuff! I/GodSaidWALK have moved into a new home in Newport News, Virginia. While this may seem like no big deal to most of you, this is huge for me! You see, for those recovering from a stroke, Living independently is the ultimate goal. I say ultimate goal, but if truth be told, this is just the beginning. Living independently means doing everything for yourself without any assistance whatsoever. That's the tough part. A lot of stroke patients spend a great deal of time in a rehab learning to walk, to wash them selves, to do average daily tasks. This may sound trivial to most, But the truth is that this is the biggest challenge of all! While in rehab, we take for granted these things because everything is done for us. Our meals are cooked for us, our laundry is done for us, and our room is cleaned for us. Living independently means doing all of this for yourself. 

Seems pretty easy doesn't it? Well, it isn't. This was a long time coming and requires focus, determination, and drive. Please don't misunderstand me, I'm no more special than anyone else. This takes work. But I'm here to tell you, that its possible. All I've been focused on for the last three years is getting back to normal. But, normal means bills, and normal responsibility that was part of your life before your stroke. I've been able to finally begin hosting events to thank everyone that has stuck by me for the last three years plus and be able to have my children come visit me in my own place. I thank God every day for these blessings and my hope is to move further along in getting back to work full-time and to provide for my family.

The thing that nobody tells you when you're going through this is that you will have to rely on Social Security disability to begin to rebuild your life. That in itself, has its own pitfalls. You see, when collecting disability income, you are only allowed to make a certain amount of money on top of your disability income and this amount of money is criminally low. You will have to learn to live by a tight budget and resign yourself to the fact that this is your new normal. I've been lucky enough to have advisors guide me along the way and the home that I'm in was recommended by them. Yes, it seems very nice. But the priority that my advisors had when recommending this was my safety. Everything is on one level, all laundry is on one level and I have a walk in shower. Apartments like this generally don't come cheap. This apartment is the least expensive of any in my area with these features  and I did a lot of research. So, I've had to change a lot in regards to lifestyle, spending habits, and convenience. As for lifestyle, there is no eating out unless I'm treated. I cook every meal for myself at home. As for spending habits, there are no extravagant spending spree's and I've resigned myself to the fact that there are no vacations. Only staycations. As for convenience, I live fairly far out from my family, my church, and my friends. This is the price that I have to pay in order to live in a home that is safe, affordable and roomy enough for me and my children. But, I honestly don't feel that this is any sacrifice whatsoever. It's what I have to do and I love my new home. I'm blessed beyond comprehension. 

Wanna know how I did it?

Recently I've been getting a lot of inquiries as to how I've been able to recover as much as I have. I attend regular meetings with local support groups and it usually appears as though I've come a lot further than the rest of the group. So, I really don't know what to say when I get asked this. At first, I felt a little bit guilty. I would ask myself the usual questions, like, "why did I have things go so much better for me?" and "what did I do to deserve this?" You see, I really haven't done anything to deserve any more blessings than anyone else. But for some reason, I seem to have received an extra portion. This got me thinking. Made me reflect on everything that has happened to me in the past few years. So, this post will focus on what where the most important elements of my stroke recovery. Faith, family, friends, fun,  and humor

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The hardest pill to swallow!

The hardest pill for me to swallow isn't just the pill/pills that I take every morning, it's the fact that I have to embrace a new normal in every aspect of my life.  No more obsessing about how much money I can make or what I have to do to close new business this week. No, my new normal is worrying about what I can do to help someone this week.

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Rehab Center of the Month: Dulles Health & Rehab

Please allow me to introduce you to GodSaidWALK's second "Rehab of the Month", Dulles Health & Rehab in Herndon, Virginia. Opened in July 2016, This facility provides a sanctuary of rehabilitation, long-term, and respite care to its neighbors in Herndon and the surrounding communities. At Dulles Health & Rehab Center, The  goal is simple: to provide the most effective treatment  in a compassionate, comfortable environment. This facility and its staff have a special place in my heart since this was my first rehab. No, I wasn't in this building, but I was in Commonwealth Health & Rehab in Fairfax, Virginia. this is the new facility that was being built while I was in Fairfax and most of the staff that was in Fairfax are now at Dulles. These people are family to me and I will forever have love for them !!

Meet Brom Harlock & Dr. Alec Lebedun

Please allow me to introduce you to two people that I credit with saving me from me while I was in stroke rehab in Fairfax. Brom is one of the funniest guys I've ever met and Dr. Lebedun is the neuropsychologist that helped me through the toughest time of my life. Please enjoy listening to my dear friends' wisdom!!

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PLEASE!!! Educate Yourself...You owe it to yourself, your family and everyone that loves you!!

Recently, I've been seeing an alarming number of posts on Stroke Survivor Group Pages on Facebook that scare me. What scares me is the lack of common sense and knowledge about personal health & wellness. I'm seeing posts/threads about folks having multiple strokes. When I say multiple, I mean MULTIPLE. Like 5+!! Holy Cow!!

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"How do I get back to me"?- Step 2.2... Embrace "The New NORMAL"

So, now that you've begun this journey, let me tell you about one of the most common mistakes that I see folks making. This has to do with reality. This mistake usually takes on two forms. The first and most obvious is to see no light at the end of the tunnel Lets face it, all will seem bleek. This is very normal. Most of you will have a long road back and the truth is that if you work very hard and buy into the program, you can make huge gains.

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"How do I get back to me?"- Step 2.1

Now that you've seen my thoughts on Step 1 of getting You back to You, Lets begin to dig a little deeper. So, once you've begun to assemble your team, It's time to settle in for a not so comfortable ride to say the least. There's no way around it. The work will be frustrating, painful and long. There is no pill you can take, no surgery you can have that will be of any use. There's no easy way to come back. And the bummer is that no matter how hard you work, you still might not get as much return as you think you should. But, if all you do is whine and complain and fight with you therapists, you will get absolutely nothing back. Now, please don't misunderstand me, I complained at first as well. But, I quickly learned that it was of no use. The more I complained, the more they worked me. It was then that I realized that you get more bees with honey than with vinegar. I had to give in and work with them. Ya see, if you complain with no reasonable alternative, nobody will care about your complaints.