1st Blog Post of 2018... A life without purpose is...?

Happy 2018 Friends!! I know that’s been a minute since my last blog post, but please know that I haven’t forgotten about you. I’ve just been crazy busy with so many things, that it’s hard sometimes for an old man like me to keep up, but I try my best!! So, let’s recap...

  1. GodSaidWALK.com launched 1 year ago!!
  2. GodSaidWALK.com moved to Newport News, Virginia in June 2017!
  3. GodSaidWALK.com has been invited to speak at multiple health and wellness events and  support groups. 
  4. I had the pleasure of hosting an Evening of Thanks in my New Home in July. 
  5. GodSaidWALK, the book, is in process as this is being written. The truth is, this book has been in process since 2015. I know that’s a long time, but it takes a long time to write something this heartfelt. Every time I complete a section, I always feel like making changes or change how I say things. Please be patient.  It’ll be worth it.
  6. There is a music production company in the works, but that’s all I can say about that right now. Stay tuned for details as they become available. 

So, needless to say, I’ve got a lot going on and I love it!!  A life without purpose is no life at all. Now, purpose looks different for everybody. For some, its work. For some, its helping others. For some, its building something that fosters the growth of the human spirit. For me, its all of these.  Thats what has been driving me for the last 3 years. 

So, here is my promise to you. A new blog post every other Saturday by midnight, a new video post every month minimum starting in February 2018. New video interviews coming over the next few months. Some of these will be included in the blog posts. New useful links for stroke patients and their families. I'm meeting with several new facilities in the coming months. I'm also in the process of partnering with several industry organizations for other content. This is a big deal!! They want to see professional content on the sight before they align themselves with GodSaidWALK. This is where the GoFundMe Campaign is focused. I can't do this without your help. Click on the Donate/Support button in the navigation tab to help with this. I thank you for your support whether it be financial or moral.  Be blessed, Be a Blessing!