Angels & Terrorists? Medical "Team Paul"

Ok, I know that I said that this site wasn't at all about me and it isn't,  But the only photos that I have are from my personal collection. Thats why I'm in most of them. So, I'm not just spouting off opinion, I speak from personal experience.  So, please allow me to tell you a lil bit about Medical "Team Paul". Because of the HIPPA Privacy Rule, I'm choosing not to tell you their names. The folks below are physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurses from my first rehab and the nurses from the neuro-intensive care unit at INOVA Fairfax Hospital. They ALL were angels from God and terrorists at the same time. They were exactly what I needed at the time. They allowed me to cry, allowed me to vent, allowed me to be ME!! So, here's the first bit of advice I'm gonna share with you all. If you have unfortunately found yourself in the position of being a patient or a family member that has the responsibility of helping someone, the first and possibly most important thing that you need to do is start building a team of medical experts and advocates. This will look different for everybody and cost need not be the first worry. Please understand that I'm not saying that you don't need to worry about cost. Recovery isn't cheap by a long shot.. But, aren't You or Your family member worth it? I think so. I'm not wealthy and neither is my family, but I consider myself very fortunate to have had the Team that I had. I love them all dearly and consider them to be part of my family. Just so ya know.. Team Paul isn't just the medical team. You will meet the rest of Team Paul in the coming days and months. Be Blessed, Be a Blessing!