Every Day Heroes!!

On September 24, 2014, I called 911. I was having a stroke. The heroes at Loudoun County Fire & Rescue, answered the call and saved my life. In the world we live in, the term hero seems to be thrown around quite a bit. The superstars below are my heroes. From the moment I got settled into rehab, I began the task of finding out who took care of me the night of my stroke. Around Thanksgiving, I received a call from London County and they informed me that Engine 23 responded to the call. From that moment, I made it my mission to thank them personally. So, on Christmas Day, 2014, My dear friend Paul Lehman picked me up from rehab and drove me out to the station and amazingly, many of the folks that were on my my call were on duty. They welcomed me in for a visit and the pictures below document that meeting. It was amazing and emotional and I've had multiple opportunities to visit since and my sons have visited as well. They were treated like rockstars and got the VIP treatment! Please take a moment and thank a first responder in your area. They are our "Every Day Heroes"!! Be Blessed, Be a Blessing