"How do I get back to me?" Step 1

Recently, I've been getting this question a lot when speaking to groups of stroke survivors, and the reality is that you gotta be you and insist that your caregivers allow you to be YOU!! That needs to be non-negotiable. You are the captain of your ship. You can't be a dictator, you have to cooperate with your doctors and therapists. They are there to help guide you. But you have to be your own advocate. If you find yourself in a residential rehab, This post is especially for you. This is a world I know very well. I spent 7 months in a residential rehab learning to walk again and getting back to where I could take care of basic daily tasks on my own without any help. Thats step 1 of many steps that you will take in getting back to you. But the 1st step is the hardest in many ways because it requires you to be fearless in the face of so many odds that seem to be stacked against you. But I'm here to tell you that you can do it. If you're reading this, than you're already ahead of the game. Please understand that when I speak of being fearless, I'm not at all saying that I am any braver than any of you. I have daily fear and I've had it since the night of my stroke. The big difference for me is that I force myself to forge through. I have to. I don't give myself any options to be any other way. This has been the case since November 2014. Thats the month that I started physical therapy. For me, my faith in God is what has driven me and continues to drive me. I'm not going to preach to you, but I won't lie to you either. Thats my promise. There is no medical explanation why I'm able to do what I do, My doctors don't have an answer other than I cooperated, did what they asked, and worked very hard. I was determined to get back to normal as fast as possible. As far as Me being Me, I'm very blessed that I have an awesome support structure. I'm a goof. A driven goof, but a goof none the less. Laughing at myself and finding humor in just about anything is my weapon sometimes. It also helps with the many dark times that will follow. I fully understand that not everyone will have the same. Its for this reason that tell you to become your own advocate. Please believe in yourself. If you ever need a pick me up, please feel free to message me using the contact form on this site. I promise you that I'll get back to you as soon as I'm able. As always, Be Blessed, Be a Blessing!!