"How do I get back to me"?- Step 2.2... Embrace "The New NORMAL"

So, now that you've begun this journey, let me tell you about one of the most common mistakes that I see folks making. This has to do with reality. This mistake usually takes on two forms. The first and most obvious is to see no light at the end of the tunnel Lets face it, all will seem bleek. This is very normal. Most of you will have a long road back and the truth is that if you work very hard and buy into the program, you can make huge gains. But, the tough part of this is that "huge" will look different for everyone. As no two strokes are identical, no two recoveries are identical. Far too many people in recovery harp on getting back to "Normal". This is happening with patients as well as family members. I've experienced this as well with friends and family. While I appreciate the concern, I've had to insist that there is a "New Normal". And my Normal isn't the same as everyone's. This is where being your own advocate comes into to play. You must never allow anyone to determine your normal. You have to TAKE control of your life. Don't wait for anyone to give you control. Its your life. PLEASE Stand Up for yourself!! YOU ARE WONDERFUL AND DESERVE THE RESPECT. Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!