"How do I get back to me?"- Step 2.1

Now that you've seen my thoughts on Step 1 of getting You back to You, Lets begin to dig a little deeper. So, once you've begun to assemble your team, It's time to settle in for a not so comfortable ride to say the least. There's no way around it. The work will be frustrating, painful and long. There is no pill you can take, no surgery you can have that will be of any use. There's no easy way to come back. And the bummer is that no matter how hard you work, you still might not get as much return as you think you should. But, if all you do is whine and complain and fight with you therapists, you will get absolutely nothing back. Now, please don't misunderstand me, I complained at first as well. But, I quickly learned that it was of no use. The more I complained, the more they worked me. It was then that I realized that you get more bees with honey than with vinegar. I had to give in and work with them. Ya see, if you complain with no reasonable alternative, nobody will care about your complaints.