Rehab of the Month.. Sentara Belle Harbour aka: "The Pain Cave"

Sentara Belle Harbour is an outpatient facility in Suffolk, Virginia.  They're known as the "Pain Cave" because they work me hard and sometimes, its painful. But the reality is that stroke recovery is tough, painful, and frustrating, but you have to buy into the program and be prepared for some uncomfortable work. But, its so worth it

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Welcome to the Dream

Welcome to the GodSaidWALK Blog/Vlog! You may be wondering why the title of this post is Welcome to The Dream. Well, there isn't really an easy answer to that question, but I'll do my best. The truth is, I never want this site to be about me. I have nothing to promote except the awesome folks that I have come to call my friends for life and what I've learned about stroke recovery over the last two years. I'm not a doctor or psychologist or insurance expert. I'm just an advocate that has just about seen it all.

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